Saturday, November 05, 2005

I Love This Place!!

I ask you! how many other colleges could you get up and go to class and leave your things just as they are, without any fear of them getting taken or even messed with?!?!? I think, none. But at SMC... Leave your headphones, laptops, cell phones, and keys and you can be sure that when you come back an hour later, they'll be exactly as you left them. As it should be. And as it so rarely is. Thanks be to God for a college like ours! This is only one indication of the Catholic order and morality that ought to be in all places, and isn't.


MrsDoc said...

Wow, I hadn't even thought of that!
You are so right.
Deo Gratias!

MrsDoc said...

Think about posting that one on the SMC pix sometime when "nothing" is going on...

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful you enjoy the priviledge of being in a good Catholic enviroment!!!
P.S. Sorry we haven't been able to talk lately!